Genus species | Anaphalis xylorhiza Sch.Bip. ex Hook.f. trib. Gnaphalieae |
Bibliography | Fl. Brit. India 3: 281 (1881) |
Native Range | s. Tibet to Himalaya |
Primary Biome | Subalpine |
Habitat | grassland |
Altitude | 3000-5200m |
Description | lower leaves spathulate to oblong, winged petiolate, rounded, grey-brown tomentose, the upper oblanceolate, decurrent, obtuse, capitula 5-10 in compact corymb |
Size | 5-10cm |
Color | white |
Bloom | summer |
Ca | |
Type | subshrub |
Cultivation | humous, moist, but in winter drier, semi-shady site alpine house, moist, humous soil, shading in summer |
Propagation | seed in spring, barely covered, germ. 1 month, 13-20°C cuttings in late summer |
Territory | 3 Asia-Temperate 36 China (CHT Tibet) 4 Asia-Tropical 40 Indian Subcontinent (EHM East Himalaya, NEP Nepal, WHM West Himalaya) |