Genus species | Lysimachia serpyllifolia Schreb. |
Bibliography | Nova Acta Phys.-Med. Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol. Nat. Cur. 4: 144 (1770) |
Native Range | c. & s. Greece, Crete |
Primary Biome | Temperate |
Habitat | thickets and steppes |
Altitude | 500-2300m |
Description | evergreen, glabrous, leaves 6-11mm, opposite, oval, entire, subsessile, cordate, acute, flowers solitary, axillary, pedicellate, sepals subulate, corolla 6-9mm |
Size | 10-35cm |
Color | yellow |
Bloom | late spring, summer |
Ca | |
Type | subshrub |
Cultivation | sunny site with a deep, drained soil alpine house, rich, drained soil, sun |
Propagation | seed in spring, uncovered, light, germ. 1-3 months, 13-18°C cuttings in late summer |
Synonyms | Lysimachia anagalloides Sm. |
Territory | 1 Europe 13 Southeastern Europe (GRC Greece, KRI Kriti) |