Genus species | Langebergia canescens (DC.) Anderb. trib. Gnaphalieae |
Bibliography | Opera Bot. 104: 94 (1991) |
Native Range | w. Cape Prov. |
Primary Biome | Subtropical |
Habitat | dry, stony grassland |
Altitude | 1000-1600m |
Description | leaves obovate-oblong, thin, white tomentose, brown mucronate, capitula in sparse corymb, involucral bracts loosely lanate, with brown, glabrous, ovate tip |
Size | 15-30cm |
Color | |
Bloom | late spring, summer |
Ca | |
Type | shrub |
Cultivation | sunny site with a deep, drained soil alpine house, rich, drained soil, sun |
Propagation | seed in spring, barely covered, germ. 1 month, 13-20°C cuttings in late summer |
Synonyms | Anaxeton canescens (DC.) B.D.Jacks. Petalacte canescens DC. |
Territory | 2 Africa 27 Southern Africa (CPP Cape Provinces) |